Book Review: Nursing From Within, a Fresh Approach to Putting Out Fires and Self Care Work Arounds

In her book, Nursing From Within, a Fresh Approach to Putting Out Fires and Self Care Work Arounds, Elizabeth Scala, MSN, MBA, RN takes on the chronic dissatisfaction most nurses experience at some juncture in their career. With change rapidly dominating the landscape of health care delivery, nurses are stretched to the breaking point in their ability to provide safe, patient centered care.

Nursing From Within, a Fresh Alternative to Putting Out Fires and Self Care Work Arounds by Elizabeth Scala, MSN, MBA, RN
Nursing From Within, a Fresh Alternative to Putting Out Fires and Self Care Work Arounds by Elizabeth Scala, MSN, MBA, RN

This problem is not new in nursing, according to Scala. In fact, it’s existed in some form or another for decades. Scala considers,

It is possible that nursing, the entire profession as we know it today, is stuck. Bogged down from the energy that is created with the funnel. Looking left and right, turning around or glancing above us-who do we see? What do we hear? Where do we go for answers?

We hear the same things, talk about the same things, and live the same things.

While nursing has come a very long way in terms of scientific skills and critical thinking, can we say the same thing for our own personal and professional evolvement as a whole? Are we developing in a way that will help us to thrive and move forward as a group? Or is the mindset of ‘this is how it’s always been done?’ keeping us stuck in the funnel of nursing limitation?

 In a conversational voice, Scala uses stories from her personal experiences to illustrate how she changed from a nurse on the brink of burnout into one with an expanded viewpoint of where an open mind and change from within can lead. The creative career solution she chose at the book’s ending surprised me. It validates the versatility of a nursing license, but I’m not sure it answers the question at the heart of the book’s premise.

However, this does not take away from the truth of Scala’s observations, or the value of the  tools she presents for self care. Scala’s openness and authenticity shine through. Her topic is important, demanding recognition and discussion among nurses. I found much of what she wrote inspirational.

Nursing from Within: A Fresh Alternative to Putting Out Fires and Self-Care Workarounds is available now. Get your copy today by visiting Elizabeth Scala’s website or purchase directly from Amazon